Big Papi hosts 4th annual charitable gala in Boston during his final season with special performance by award-winning music artist, Kat DeLuna! WHAT: As part of his season-long farewell tour, Red Sox designated hitter David Ortiz will host the fourth annual “David Ortiz Children’s Fund Gala” on July 18 at the Boston Park Plaza celebrating the worthy accomplishments of Ortiz’s nonprofit organization, its courageous young beneficiaries and its dedicated supporters. Emceed by top ESPN personalitiesSteve Levy and Jonathan “Coach” Coachman, proceeds from the fundraiser will benefit the David Ortiz Children’s Fund, in partnership withMassGeneral Hospital for Childrenand the World Pediatric Project, which provides critical pediatric healthcare to children in New England and the Dominican Republic. Tickets now are available for this soiree where revelers will have the opportunity to mix-and-mingle with Boston’s biggest names in sports and entertainment while Big Papi gives remarks on his final season and his future after baseball. Guests also will enjoy a cocktail reception, a three-course seated dinner as well as a silent and live auction featuring unique memorabilia, priceless experiences and retirement season exclusives in support of the special works of the David Ortiz Children’s Fund. The evening will conclude with a special live performance by international singing sensation Kat DeLuna, followed by dancing the night away with music from JAM’N 94.5’s DJ Pup Dawg. DeLuna, who shares Big Papi’s Dominican roots, currently has a Billboard chart topper with her hit collaboration with Jeremih, “What a Night.” WHERE: Boston Park Plaza 50 Park Plaza Boston, MA 02116 WHEN: Monday, July 18, 2016 6:00pm-7:00pm: VIP & General Cocktail Receptions 7:00pm-10:00pm: Dinner Program in the Ballroom COST: General Admission (includes access to the general cocktail reception and the dinner program): · $295 per person; $500 for two people VIP Tickets (includes access to the VIP cocktail reception with David Ortiz and other celebrities, the dinner program, name mentioned in the event program and a photo opportunity with David Ortiz): · $1,500 per person; $2,500 for two people HOW: To reserve tickets, please Tables and sponsorship opportunities are available starting at $7,500 by contacting Radegen Sports Management’s Alexis Walberg at 212.727.2142 or[email protected]. MORE INFO: The David Ortiz Children’s Fund is a registered 501(c)(3) public charity. The David Ortiz Children’s Fund is exempt from federal income tax under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. All donations are fully tax-deductible to the extent allowable by law. ABOUT THE DAVID ORTIZ CHILDREN’S FUND: The David Ortiz Children’s Fund, provides critical pediatric healthcare to children in New England and the Dominican Republic. The David Ortiz Children's Fund has currently netted approximately $2 million, provided over 500 children with life-saving heart surgery in the Dominican Republic, and has helped countless others throughout New England region. In 2011, David Ortiz was awarded the Roberto Clemente Award by Major League Baseball for his work with the David Ortiz Children’s Fund. For more information, please visit: ABOUT MASSGENERAL HOSPITAL FOR CHILDREN: With more than 300 physicians, 50 medical specialties and 15 surgical services, plus complete access to the resources of the world renowned Massachusetts General Hospital, MassGeneral Hospital for Children is dedicated to providing high quality, personalized, developmentally appropriate care for infants, children and adolescents. For more information, please visit: ABOUT WORLD PEDIATRIC PROJECT: World Pediatric Project is a non-profit organization linking pediatric critical care services to children in developing countries. As most developing countries lack access to pediatric critical care resources, WPP also focuses on building indigenous health care capabilities for improved future health care. Skilled professionals in these countries are able to learn these specialized pediatric procedures firsthand from the WPP's surgical and diagnostic teams. WPP's goal is to raise the level of care in their partner countries through an international network of medical partners to improve the lives' of children worldwide. For more information, please ###
New Jersey is probably not known for its love of soccer, but this past week, it's all anyone could talk about, especially at Metlife Stadium! Fans from all over went to root for their favorite teams and some pre-game tailgating. Those who stopped by the Ford En Español station were definitely in for a nice surprise. I myself was able to take part in some of the interactive games available and better yet, go home with some prizes!
Ford was an official automotive partner for The Copa America Centenario soccer tournament that took place from June 3 and ended this past Sunday, June 26. The events spanned in 10 markets across the United States and if they were anything like the Finals- I’m quite sure the soccer and automotive fanatics were in for a nice surprise. The Copa America Centenario this year honors 100 years of the tournament with 32 matches and 16 of the world’s best teams and players from North, South and Central America, as well as the Caribbean. Lionel Messi, Javier “Chicharito” Hernandez, James Rodriguez, Kaka, Michael Bradley, Clint Dempsey and many more are anticipated to take part in the tournament. Earlier this month, David Rodriguez, Multicultural Marketing Manager at Ford said, “The Ford Motor Company is honored to partner with Copa América and be part of this momentous tournament. He also shared, “We know the pride felt by so many for this special fútbol moment. Ford is excited to celebrate the sport, the fans and the rich culture that comes along with it all.” We also had the opportunity to see the latest 2016 and 2017 Ford vehicle line-up. The Fan Plaza was equipped with merchandise to purchase, food and beverage stations and entertainment, along with other brands such as Delta, Verizon, and Budweiser. ![]() By Sarah Lora • posted June 21, 2016 Delta Air Lines patrocina la edición de este año del Festival de Cine Dominicano de Nueva York (DFFNY, por sus siglas en inglés) el que presentará a los actores y directores más destacados en la industria del cine dominicano. El festival, que se extiende del 22 al 26 de junio en cuatro salas de cine a través de Manhattan, muestra la cultura, la gente, la música y la creatividad de este país caribeño. "Delta está constantemente buscando nuevas formas de apoyar a la cultura de las muchas comunidades que servimos y los dominicanos tienen una fuerte presencia en Nueva York", dijo Héctor Ruiz, director general de Delta para Ventas Especiales. "Como la aerolínea líder y de mayor crecimiento en Nueva York, Delta entiende la importancia de apoyar las artes porque fomentan el intercambio cultural entre los EE.UU. y América Latina y el Caribe". El DFFNY contará con más de una docena de películas procedentes de una amplia gama de géneros desde comedia hasta thriller y romance. Los actores y cineastas dominicanos participarán en paneles de discusión en lo que se ha convertido en la celebración más grande de la industria del cine dominicano fuera del país. "El DFFNY se ha convertido en una muestra única del talento dominicano, tanto en la isla como de los que trabajan en los EE.UU. y en todo el mundo", dijo Armando Guareño, fundador y director ejecutivo del DFFNY. "El festival también anima a los nuevos realizadores de sus óperas prima a compartir su creatividad, talento y visión artística con el mundo. Nuestro objetivo es dar a conocer las voces únicas que muestran los diversos orígenes y culturas que tienen los dominicanos". Delta ofrece a los dominicanos conexiones de viaje a los 5 continentes y a más de 120 destinos internacionales a través de los centros de operaciones de la aerolínea en Atlanta y JFK-Nueva York, con vuelos desde Santo Domingo, Santiago y Punta Cana en la República Dominicana. ![]()
NUEVA YORK, 20 de junio de 2016 - Ford Motor Company y el popular juego experiencial de Escape de un Salón se han unido para crear la mayor experiencia de juego hasta ahora - el primer juego manejable que pondrá a prueba a los participantes a utilizar la última tecnología y las características del Ford Escape 2017, para averiguar las pistas y resolver adivinanzas de una manera que nunca se ha hecho antes. Diseñado en colaboración con la campaña I LOVE NEW YORK del Estado de Nueva York, el creador y visionario experto de adivinanza Victor Blake producen una experiencia para el consumidor como ninguna otra. Los jugadores intentarán escapar de varios salones en uno de los edificios más emblemáticos de Nueva York – la Estación Moynihan. Escape NYC: Una Experiencia de Escape del Salón se realizará de junio 23 al 26. "Los consumidores más jóvenes y urbanos de hoy quieren vivir a través de experiencias y conectarse con las marcas que representan su estilo de vida", dijo Ginger Kasanic, gerente de marketing experiencial de Ford. "Ellos son consumidores voraces de la vida - no son espectadores, son los participantes.” "Escape del Salón NYC se puede resumir como la tendencia económica de la experiencia de poner un giro único en la prueba de manejo tradicional", añade Kasanic. El evento es auténtico al juego creado por Blake que se ha convertido en una de las experiencias de entretenimiento de moda entre la generación del milenio, excepto por el hecho de que ocupará 35.000 pies cuadrados - haciendo a Escape NYC: Una Experiencia de Conducción de Escape del Salón 50 veces más grande que la experiencia de juego típica, según Blake. "Ford se preguntó si estaría preparado para integrar el nuevo Escape en un juego de Escape del Salón, y el resultado final sería diferente a todo lo que ha creado antes", dijo Blake. "El SUV está lleno de toneladas de tecnología avanzada, y fue un ejercicio entretenido para integrar cosas como sensores de estacionamiento por ultrasonidos en las adivinanzas y pistas que son icónicas del juego." En la Estación Moynihan, los participantes se encontrarán inmersos en los tesoros ocultos de verano en Nueva York, ya que navegan el camino de pasar de orígenes humildes a llegar a ser grandes en la industria del cine. Un espacio expansivo de cinco salones de juego induce a los jugadores para encontrar pistas que guiarán su viaje utilizando diversas herramientas tecnológicas disponibles en el nuevo Ford Escape, y su propio ingenio. Algunas de las tecnologías a bordo de vehículos integrados en el juego:
Los jugadores están obligados a guardar el secreto para asegurar que el juego se mantenga nuevo para todos y que nadie tenga ventaja. A través del juego, los jugadores podrán descubrir un nuevo aspecto del Estado de Nueva York, y de ellos mismos. El juego, abierto al público durante cuatro días, vio a más de 1.000 consumidores inscribirse en menos de 24 horas. A pesar de que la pre-inscripción está agotada, algunos espacios para visitantes estarán disponibles cada día. "Estamos constantemente en busca de nuevas formas de conectarse con los consumidores y asociándose con Escape del Salón nos permitió crear una experiencia única e inesperada de presentar nuestro nuevo Ford Escape y nuestras tecnologías", dijo Kasanic. Para aumentar aún más el perfil de las joyas ocultas y destinos clave a lo largo del Estado de Nueva York, Ford y I LOVE NEW YORK (AMO A NUEVA YORK) están publicando Guías de Viajes de Escape de Verano que ofrecen escapadas de fin de semana y extendidas que se pueden disfrutar mejor en el Ford Escape 2017. Todos los participantes recibirán una guía de verano de Escape de Nueva York por encargo destacando diversas regiones de vacaciones del estado para ayudar a planificar la escapada de fin de semana perfecta. ![]() Está comenzando una temporada muy importante y de grandes momentos para el fútbol en el mundo, y Pringles®, Patrocinador Oficial de la Copa América, quiere despertar la pasión por el fútbol en todos Latinoamérica. La compañía Kellogg's internacional lanza su promoción copa américa centenario “Pringles futbol”, aprovechando el centenario de este magno evento deportivo seguido por millones de seguidores en estados unidos y Latinoamérica. Para conmemorar este acontecimiento la marca Pringles ha unido su marca a los futbolistas James Rodríguez (Selección de Colombia-Real Madrid), Andrés Guardado (selección mexicana de futbol-Holanda), Keylor Navas (selección de Costa Rica-Real Madrid CF), David Luiz (Selección de Brasil-Paris Saint German). Cabe mencionar que estos futbolistas internacionales tienen un denominador común, son líderes deportivos en sus países y tienen una imagen positiva dentro y fuera de la cancha. La estrategia de la promoción es dirigida en países de alto consumo de cereal y una población del consumo del deporte con historial de seguimiento televisivo de eventos internacionales como el mundial de futbol, ligas europeas de futbol y la copa américa en ediciones anteriores. Futbolista en la campana Pringles: James Rodríguez (Colombia) VIVE PRINGLES JAMES RODRÍGUEZ Futbolista colombiano que juega como mediocampista ofensivo o extremo derecho y su equipo actual es el Real Madrid de la Primera División de España. También es internacional absoluto con la selección Colombia. Fue vencedor de la Bota de Oro del Mundial de Brasil 2014 tras anotar seis tantos que permitieron que su selección alcanzase los cuartos de final del torneo, siendo hasta la fecha la mejor actuación del combinado cafetero en una cita mundialista Andrés Guardado (México) capitán de la selección mexicana Es un futbolista mexicano que puede jugar como volante de contención, lateral o carrilero izquierdo, su actual equipo es el PSV Eindhoven de la Eredivisie de los Países Bajos y de la Selección de fútbol de México de la cual es capitán. Keylor Navas (Costa Rica) VIVE PRINGLES KEYLOR NAVAS Características humildad y liderazgo, cualidades que lo llevaron a la titularidad de su club el Real Madrid y trascendió de manera positiva Internacional absoluto con Costa Rica desde el 12 de octubre de 2008, su mejor actuación se dio en la cita mundialista de Brasil 2014 donde su selección avanzó por primera vez a cuartos de final. El guardameta fue postulado al mejor portero del mundial -el Guante de Oro de la FIFA por sus 21 paradas en cinco partidos. Además, Navas fue el mejor portero de la Copa de Oro de la Concacaf 2009. David Luiz (Brasil) Futbolista brasileño que juega como defensa central o mediocentro defensivo y su equipo actual es el París Saint-Germain de la Ligue 1 de Francia. También es internacional con la selección de Brasil. Características personales: líder innato, jugador de alto respeto en el juego del balompié, Luiz también es el segundo capitán de la selección brasileña. ¿En qué consiste la promoción de futbol Pringles futbol? Para participar los consumidores deben adquirir productos Kellogg o productos Pringles Inicio de la campana : 30 de Mayo al 16 de Agosto del 2016 Debes accesar en la página web y seleccionar tu país de origen. Ingresa el código que viene impreso en el interior y/o exterior del empaque de alguno de los productos participantes. Entre más códigos ingreses, tienes más posibilidades de ganar. Tienes la opción de registrar tus datos a través de tus redes sociales. El propósito de la marca es obtener datos demográficos acerca de los consumidores de la marca para fines de análisis de mercadeo. Debes calcular el volumen de producto (en kilogramos, gramos y miligramos) que contiene la figura traslúcida. Para esto, podrás observar la figura desde diferentes ángulos y realizar el cálculo con las siguientes medidas: ancho 70 cms x alto 50 cms x profundidad 20 cms. Por cada código registrado, tendrás una oportunidad para hacer un cálculo. ¡Podrás ganar premios increíbles y hasta una convivencia con tu jugador de fútbol favorito. El producto que contendrá la figura traslúcida podrá cambiar cada 15 días, pero siempre será producto Kellogg’s o Pringles Premios: Cada 15 días se enlistará a los participantes que más se acercaron al volumen real de la figura traslúcida.
Para registrarte debes aceptar los términos y condiciones de la promoción. Acerca de Kellogg’ en la República Dominicana En Kellogg’s® están motivados con enriquecer y deleitar al mundo a través de alimentos y marcas que importan. Con ventas mayores a los 14.6 mil millones de dólares en 2014, Kellogg’s® es el líder mundial en la producción de cereales y la segunda compañía más grande en la producción de snacks, además una compañía líder en Estados Unidos. Sus productos en la República Dominicana son distribuidos por Grupo Mercasid (Kellogg's) y (Pringles) por Distribuidora Corripio. En la pasada edición copa américa 2015 se realizó promociones en diferentes canchas de futbol de Santo Domingo y Santiago tales como Media Cancha, FC City, Ashton Complex y supermercados nacionales del país. Kevin Durant, Pierre Garçon, STATE Bags and Roc Nation Announce Support for MBK Success Mentors Initiative
The White House and the U.S. Department of Education announced today the names of the 20 new communities that have joined the My Brother’s Keeper (MBK) Success Mentors Initiative – for a total of 30 communities. The new communities are: Albuquerque, New Mexico; Baltimore, Maryland; Cleveland, Ohio; Dallas, Texas; Detroit and Flint, Michigan; Fresno, California; Hartford, Connecticut; Indianola, Texas; Jacksonville, Florida; Kansas City, Missouri; Los Angeles, California; Milwaukee, Wisconsin; Minneapolis, Minnesota; Oakland, California; Orlando, Florida; Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; Portland, Oregon; Sacramento, California and the Pine Ridge Reservation. MBK Success Mentors Initiative is a groundbreaking response to the challenge of chronic student absences in our country. It aims to reduce chronic absenteeism by connecting over one million students who are or at risk of becoming chronically absent with trained school-linked caring adults and near-peers over the next 3-5 years. The initiative is the nation’s first-ever effort to scale an evidence-based, data-driven mentor model to reach and support the highest risk students – using existing resources already linked to schools, and the early warning metric of chronic absenteeism to drive student success. The original ten cities that launched earlier this year include,Austin, Boston, Columbus, Denver, Miami-Dade, New York City, Philadelphia, Providence, San Antonio and Seattle. In the past five months, these 10 communities have supported more than 8,000 chronically absent students with success mentors. New data from the Department of Education’s Civil Rights Data Collection, which collected student absenteeism rates for the first time, revealed that 6.5 million students—13 percent of all students—were chronically absent from schools in 2013-14. Other studies show frequent absences from school can be devastating to a child's future. The effects start early and spiral dramatically over time. Children who are chronically absent in preschool, kindergarten, and first grade are much less likely to read on grade level by the third grade. Students who can't read at grade level by the third grade are four times more likely to drop out of high school. By high school, regular attendance is a better dropout indicator than test scores. A student who is chronically absent in any year between the eighth and twelfth grade is seven times more likely to drop out of school. STATE Bags, a buy one give one backpack brand, is announcing that it will donate 30,000 backpacks in the 30 MBK Success Mentors communities – and in partnership with Roc Nation – will engage artists and athletes in raising awareness of the importance of school attendance. These events will be led by child development specialists who have successfully risen from at-risk neighborhoods themselves, and serve as role model figures to the children served. For every STATE bag purchased from June 8 to September 8, one bag will be donated to students participating in the MBK Success Mentors initiative in the 30 communities. Today, more than 200 leaders from the 30 MBK Success Mentors Cities will gather at the White House for a national training summit to prepare Success Mentor “Ground Troops” for the start of the school year. The summit participants will receive training in identifying and supporting students who are, or are at risk of becoming, chronically absent from school – to help them succeed. U.S. Secretary of Education John B. King, Jr., Kevin Durant, Pierre Garçon and STATE Bags’ Co-Founder, Scot Tatelman, will speak about the importance of mentorships that drive success in school and life. Durant also will announce that the MBK Success Mentors community that is the most successful in reducing student absenteeism over the next year will be the next location to benefit from the Kevin Durant Charity Foundation’s “Build It and They Will Ball” Courts Renovation Initiative. The Extent of Chronic Absenteeism: Chronic absenteeism, or missing at least ten percent of school days in the school year, or a month or more of school, excused or unexcused, is a leading cause of low achievement and a powerful predictor of which students will eventually drop out of school. These rates are highest in our low-income communities, where school offers the best opportunity out of poverty. Civil Rights Data Collection data released this week demonstrates the extent of the chronic student absenteeism challenge in our nation. The data show that 6.5 million students – 13 percent of all students – miss almost a month or more of school each year.
o High school students with disabilities served by IDEA are 1.3 times as likely to be chronically absent as high school students without disabilities. o 20% of all English learner high school students are chronically absent.
o Black elementary school students are 1.4 times as likely to be chronically absent as white elementary school students. o Elementary school students with disabilities served by IDEA are 1.5 times as likely to be chronically absent as elementary school students without disabilities. The MBK Success Mentors Model: MBK Success Mentors is the nation’s first-ever effort to scale an evidence-based, data-driven mentor model to reach and support the highest risk students. Mentors receive training to serve as motivators, problem solvers, connectors, and advocates, and help them form supportive relationships, identify and celebrate student’s strengths, promote their attendance every day, and connect them with the necessary supports to keep them on track and thriving. Mentors are typically assigned 3-5 students as mentees, and meet with students 3 times per week in school all year. In the past five months, the original ten cities that launched the initiative have supported more than 8,000 chronically absent students with success mentors. The MBK Success Mentor Partners: MBK Success Mentors builds on the Every Student, Every Day interagency campaign to eliminate chronic absenteeism as part of the mandate of the President’s My Brother’s Keeper taskforce. The effort also includes a national Ad Council parent engagement campaign to elevate the conversation about the devastating impact of chronic absenteeism, specifically targeting parents of K-8th grade students. It is currently being rolled out on billboards, bus kiosks, and social media nationwide to alert parents about the devastating impact of missing just 2 days a month of school, which totals a month of school missed. This MBK Success Mentors model is supported by a public-private network which includes the following key U.S. Department of Education collaborators: Dr. Robert Balfanz of Johns Hopkins University’s Everyone Graduates Center, the Ad Council, the Arnold Foundation, Attendance Works, the Center for Supportive Schools, City Year, the Corporation for National and Community Service, MENTOR: The National Mentoring Partnership, United Way, the Mott Foundation, Roc Nation, STATE Bags, and Viacom’s Get Schooled. About My Brother’s Keeper: President Obama launched My Brother’s Keeper in February of 2014 to address persistent opportunity gaps faced by boys and young men of color and ensure that all young people can reach their full potential. In response to the President’s call to action, nearly 250 communities in all 50 states have accepted the President’s My Brother’s Keeper Community Challenge; more than $600 million in private sector and philanthropic grants and in-kind resources and $1 billion in low-interest financing have been committed in alignment with MBK; and new federal policy initiatives, grant programs, and guidance are being implemented to ensure that every child has a clear pathway to success from cradle to college and career. ![]() WASHINGTON, June 6, 2016 /PRNewswire/ -- Former All-Pro NFL cornerback, Shawn Springs is the CEO and FOUNDER of Windpact, Inc..Windpact's patented "Crash Cloud™" technology was born out of a desire to minimize sports-related concussive head trauma. Shawn was inspired to launch the company after observing the performance of his children's car seat after a serious accident involving him and his sons. The car was totaled but the children walked away with only scratches. This accident was a major turning point for Shawn and became the catalyst for the launch of Windpact. Shawn thought if a car seat can save the lives of his children in a severe car wreck, than perhaps that same technology could be adapted to football and other contact sports helmets to help prevent traumatic brain injury like concussion and Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy or CTE. CTE is a progressive degenerative disease found in people who have had a severe blow or repeated blows to the head. Concussion and CTE have risen to the level of a public health crisis that has captured the national stage. The issue sparked a major motion picture called"CONCUSSION" starring, Will Smith and ignited a rigorous dialogue and brought to light the grave dangers of head injury. For Shawn, the issue of helmet safety is deeply personal, not just business. Recently retired, Shawn still has many friends active in the NFL. He is the son of former Dallas Cowboy running back Ron Springs and grew up around the game even before stepping on the field himself. "Windpact is my way of giving back to the game I love," said Shawn Springs, CEO of Windpact, "by improving the safety for the players who play now and those who will play in the future." "The Power of the Windpact system ultimately comes from the air dispersion in our Crash Cloud technology," says COO Max Moyer. The Crash Cloud system is made up of three elements: Wind Springs™, Impact Vents™ and Refresh Vents.™ "These features combine to produce self-recovering airbags that instantly absorb and disperse the impact of a hit," said Maurice Kelly, Windpact's Chief Innovation Officer. This technology has the potential to revolutionize the way helmets are designed and manufactured forever. Windpact doesn't manufacture helmets, but rather wants to be the "Intel Inside" for helmet safety and license its patented Crash Cloud system to key sport and recreation helmet manufacturers around the world. Windpact's current aim is to become synonymous with head protection by building a leading brand in safety and design that improves impact performance in helmets and protective gear. As an innovative impact mitigation system, the application for this tech expands far beyond football into a wide array of uses from military, to construction, to transportation, and even healthcare. About Windpact, Inc.: Windpact, Inc. is an innovative company with a revolutionary line of helmet technology that is changing the way athletes protect themselves. Created by veteran athletes, Windpact helmets use an air-diffused impact system featuring non-explosive airbags that combine energy absorption and dissipation techniques to minimize impact on the skull as a result of a crash or tackle. Learn more about Windpact by going to our website ![]() | Fueron anunciados Trevor Hoffman y el dominicano Moisés Alou como dirigentes del Equipo de los Estados Unidos y el Equipo del Mundo, respectivamente, para el Juego de las Futuras Estrellas a celebrarse el 10 de julio en el Petco Park de San Diego. El Juego de las Futuras Estrellas, que cuenta con los mejores prospectos de liga menor, es parte de las actividades tradicionales del Juego de Estrellas de Grandes Ligas, que este año se celebrará el 12 de julio en la sede de los Padres de San Diego. Tanto Hoffman como Alou son integrantes de la gerencia de los Padres. El primero es Consultor de Operaciones de Béisbol del equipo, mientras que el segundo es Asistente Especial de Desarrollo de Jugadores. Hoffman lanzó 16 de sus 18 temporadas como relevista con los Padres. El ex pitcher está segundo en la lista de todos los tiempos con 601 juegos salvados de por vida. De su parte, Alou jugó 17 campañas en las Mayores y terminó su carrera con promedio de .303, 2,134 hits, 332 jonrones, 421 dobles y 1,287 empujadas. Como ejecutivo después de su retiro como jugador, ha llevado a los Leones del Escogido a cuatro títulos de la Liga Dominicana y dos Series del Caribe. Además, construyó la selección dominicana que ganó invicta el Clásico Mundial de Béisbol del 2013. El Juego de las Futuras Estrellas se realizará a las 4:00 p.m. hora local de San Diego, 7:00 p.m. ET. Será transmitido por MLB Network y por a través del internet |
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